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Welcome to Shariah.Ws. It is not possible to have an informed, factual and reasonable discussion regarding this topic without considering the role of the following crucial factors: a) geopolitical interests and interventions in Muslim lands b) institutions and think tanks erected and funded just for the purpose of serving those aims by shaping public opinion, c) a slick, hostile, antagonistic media machine, d) the rise of the ideology of the Kharijites centred around issues of rulership (due to those influenced by Marxism, Communism, Socialism such as Hassan al-Banna, Abu A'la Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb, Taqi al-Din al-Nabahani) and their alleged desire to establish what they understand to be the "Shariah", e) the culmination of that extremist ideology in the form of al-Qaidah and ISIS and acts of terrorism intended primarily against "apostate" Muslims but exported to the West due to Western meddling in Muslim lands, f) Messianic end-time beliefs of Jews and Christians which play a role in distortions against Islam and hatemongering against Muslims, as well as numerous other factors.

Within an interplay of all of these factors, discussions rage about the "Islamic Shariah" but they are dominated unfortunately by two fringe groups: a) agitated, misguided, extremist, ignorant dumb fools (Kharijites) who are condemned by the very Islamic Shariah on whose behalf they claim to speak and b) spiteful, hateful, pseudo-scholastic Islamophobes (from amongst Secularists, Jews, Christians and others). Both groups feed off each other and create an environment where a reasonable and intelligent discussion cannot be had or is drowned. This prevents open-minded people from recognizing and appreciating the ethics, values and legal injunctions enjoined by the Islamic Shariah and its many admirable aspects which would help solve the social and economic ills plaguing many societies today.

Note: This website is NOT calling for "the implementation of Shariah law" in any non-Muslim land but is aimed at removing misconceptions regarding it by exposing the excesses, lies, deviance and oppression of two factions of people, a) the generality of the Kharijite extremists (in all their varying forms, violent and non-violent) and b) the resentful, spite-filled hatemongering Islamophobes.


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How War Captives Are Treated in Islam by Shaykh Ali Al-Haddadi
60 Year Old Reader's Digest Article on Islam: The Misunderstood Religion
Removing Misconceptions About Jihad in Islam (Part 1): Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Prophet Muhammad's Call, Jihad and Compulsion in the Religion
Salafi Hadith Scholar Ahmad Shakir's Thunderous Lightning Bolts Upon the Kharijite Terrorists Al-Ikhwan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 2
Salafi Scholar of the Shariah, Ibn Kathir: The Kharijites Are the Strangest of Species Created by Allaah
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 1

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The Protection of the Blood, Wealth and Honour of Non-Muslim Citizens in the Islamic Shariah
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 1
The Islamic Shariah on the Foundation of Muslim Relations With Non-Muslims Who Do Not Show Aggression and Hostility
Huge Global Study in the Lancet: There Is No Safe Limit in the Consumption of Alcohol (And the Prohibition of Alcohol in the Qur'an)
How War Captives Are Treated in Islam by Shaykh Ali Al-Haddadi
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Islam and the Muslims Are Free and Innocent of the Kharijite Extremists and the Islamic Shariah Has Come With a Command to Fight Them

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