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Saudi Prince Executed for Killing Fellow Citizen
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Saudi Prince Executed for Killing Fellow Citizen
MOHAMMED AL-SULAMI Published - Wednesday 19 October 2016

JEDDAH: The Ministry of Interior said Prince Turki bin Saud bin Turki bin Saud Al-Kabeer was executed on Tuesday in Riyadh for killing Adel bin Suleiman bin Abdulkareem Al-Muhaimeed, a fellow Saudi citizen.

According to a ministry statement, the prince shot to death Al-Muhaimeed during a mass brawl.

The ministry said security officers arrested the offender and after a series of investigations charged him with murder.

The case was referred to the General Court, which convicted him of the charges brought against him and sentenced him to death. The ruling was supported by the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, and a royal decree was issued to carry out the ruling.

The Ministry of Interior said the penalty confirms the keenness of the government to ensure security, justice and safety for all.

Source: Arab News

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