Islamophobes come in all shapes, sizes, colours and backgrounds, those posing as scholars ("Islamic experts") and those as hooligans (EDL). Some with brains and others without. Those with brains are the ones employing calculated deception and distortion as most often they are paid workers, working for think-tanks or funded by private capital to support certain agendas (see here, and here). The sum of all this activity is to shape public opinion and lend tactical and ideological support for long-term geopolitical agendas for Muslim lands in Asia, the Arabian Gulf countries and North Africa. However, it is not all one-sided. Due to the evil, terrorist Kharijites and their sympathizers amongst the Muslims in the non-Muslim lands and the non-Islamic actions these people commit due to ignorance or unbridled desire, the Islamophobes are given plenty of fuel to keep the fire blazing. So in essence, one drives the other, and one shares in the blame of the other. Unfortunately, few are able to see beyond the smoke as it is both thick and dangerous, and only the most determined will pass through it.