Usāmah Bin Lādin did not Venerate the Islāmic Sharīʿah and was a Disputant to Allāh, His Messenger and the Islāmic Sharīʿah: Part 2 From the above - and this is just one aspect of many that can be highlighted - we can see that Usāmah bin Lādin was an ignoramus and upon his ignorance and desires he made criminal judgements against great, respected Scholars who are rooted in Sharīʿah knowledge and who give sincere advice to the ummah in great and serious affairs that affect both religion and livelihood, with fatwās that are founded upon clear evidence. This indicates that Usāmah bin Lādin and his takfīrī, khārijite followers (or sympathizers) do not respect and venerate the rulings of the Sharīʿah in reality, but follow desires and emotions. Download Full PDF Document.