Tuesday, 22 October 2024   

ABOUT THIS SITE Welcome to Shariah.Ws. It is not possible to have a reasonable discussion in this subject area without considering the role of many crucial factors, from them are geopolitical interests in Muslim lands and their resources, the emergence of Kharijite renegades during the 60s and 70s (through writings of Muslim thinkers affected by Communist and Socialist revolutionary ideologies), a hostile, aggressive media machinery through which public opinion is shaped, and more ... (continue here).

Huge Global Study in the Lancet: There Is No Safe Limit in the Consumption of Alcohol (And the Prohibition of Alcohol in the Qur'an)
The wisdom of the Islamic Shariah: Cut off evils and harms to society from their very roots and enjoy the resulting freedom, ease and wholesome life. In contrast: the barbarity and backwardness of commercialising corrosive evils-- usurious banking, alcohol, gambling--in order to profit from the masses ... Read more »

The Protection of the Blood, Wealth and Honour of Non-Muslim Citizens in the Islamic Shariah
A statement from the renowned Maliki jurist, Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi on the benevolence towards non-Muslim citizens and ensuring they are safe and protected from all types of harm. ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Aal Ash-Shaikh: Shariah Calls for Protection of Life and Property
Shaykh Salih Aal Ash-Shaikh: Shariah Calls for Protection of Life and Property. Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Āl-Asheikh yesterday emphasized the importance of the ongoing trial of terror suspects at a Riyadh court, saying the move would help give a verdict deserved by them on the basis of ... Read more »

How War Captives Are Treated in Islam by Shaykh Ali Al-Haddadi
Benefits from Shaykh ʿAlī al-Ḥaddādī on War Captives in the Islāmic Sharīʿah. War is a means by which one set of (transgressing) people are checked by another, and without it great corruption would spread through the Earth. In Islam there are detailed injunctions ... Read more »

60 Year Old Reader's Digest Article on Islam: The Misunderstood Religion
Islam: The Misunderstood Religion by James A. Michener One should note the general attitude towards Islām, Muslims and the Middle East amongst educated, refined gentlemen in bygone times when traditional values were valued and there was some degree of respect and one can compare such attitudes ... Read more »

Removing Misconceptions About Jihad in Islam (Part 1): Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Prophet Muhammad's Call, Jihad and Compulsion in the Religion
Removing Misconceptions About Jihad in Islam (Part 1): Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Prophet Muhammad's Call, Jihad and Compulsion in the Religion And when Allāh sent His Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), the majority of the people of the religions responded to him and to his successors (caliphs) ... Read more »

Salafi Hadith Scholar Ahmad Shakir's Thunderous Lightning Bolts Upon the Kharijite Terrorists Al-Ikhwan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS
Salafī Ḥadīth Scholar, Allāmah Aḥmad Shākir's Thunderous Lightning Bolts Upon al-Ikhwān, al-Qaidah and the ISIS Dogs of Hellfire In this article, we present an article published in 1949 by the Salafī Ḥadīth Scholar, Aḥmad Shākir (rahimahullah) ... Read more »

Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 2
Usāmah Bin Lādin did not Venerate the Islāmic Sharīʿah and was a Disputant to Allāh, His Messenger and the Islāmic Sharīʿah: Part 2 From the above - and this is just one aspect of many that can be highlighted - we can see that Usāmah bin Lādin ... Read more »

Salafi Scholar of the Shariah, Ibn Kathir: The Kharijites Are the Strangest of Species Created by Allaah
Salafi Scholar of the Sharīʿah Ibn Kathīr: The Khārijites are the Strangest of Species Created by Allāh: Misguided Ignoramuses and Wretched, Despicable in Statements and Deeds, Losers in This Life and the Next. Ibn Kathir (rahimahullaah) said, "I said: And this faction amongst ... Read more »

Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 1
Usāmah Bin Lādin did not Venerate the Islāmic Sharīʿah and was a Disputant to Allāh, His Messenger and the Islāmic Sharīʿah: Part 2 The Khārijites depart from Islām, have little understanding, lack intelligence, and the Qurʾān does ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan: The Islamic Shariah Provides Security for Muslims and Non-Muslims and Those Who Violate It Are Kharijites Who Are to Be Fought and Severely Punished
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān: The Islāmic Sharīʿah Provides Security for Muslims and non-Muslims and Those Who Violate it Are Khārijites Who Are to Be Fought and Severely Punished. The esteemed Shaykh and member of the Committee of Senior Scholars, Ṣālih ... Read more »

The Islamic Shariah on the Foundation of Muslim Relations With Non-Muslims Who Do Not Show Aggression and Hostility
The Foundation of Muslim Relations With Non-Muslims Who Do Not Show Aggression and Hostility . Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Nāṣir al-Saʿdī (rahimahullah), a Salafī scholar of the modern era stated in his exegesis of this verse, "Meaning: Allāh does ... Read more »

Islam and the Muslims Are Free and Innocent of the Kharijite Extremists and the Islamic Shariah Has Come With a Command to Fight Them
Islam and the Muslims Are Free and Innocent of the Kharijite Extremists . Throughout Islāmic history - where circumstances have arisen and the environment has become fertile for their views to take shape - the Khārijites have appeared as factions separating from and opposing the main body ... Read more »


Latest Articles
Huge Global Study in the Lancet: There Is No Safe Limit in the Consumption of Alcohol (And the Prohibition of Alcohol in the Qur'an)
The Protection of the Blood, Wealth and Honour of Non-Muslim Citizens in the Islamic Shariah
Shaykh Salih Aal Ash-Shaikh: Shariah Calls for Protection of Life and Property
How War Captives Are Treated in Islam by Shaykh Ali Al-Haddadi
60 Year Old Reader's Digest Article on Islam: The Misunderstood Religion
Removing Misconceptions About Jihad in Islam (Part 1): Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Prophet Muhammad's Call, Jihad and Compulsion in the Religion
Salafi Hadith Scholar Ahmad Shakir's Thunderous Lightning Bolts Upon the Kharijite Terrorists Al-Ikhwan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 2
Salafi Scholar of the Shariah, Ibn Kathir: The Kharijites Are the Strangest of Species Created by Allaah
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 1

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60 Year Old Reader's Digest Article on Islam: The Misunderstood Religion
Removing Misconceptions About Jihad in Islam (Part 1): Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Prophet Muhammad's Call, Jihad and Compulsion in the Religion
The Islamic Shariah on the Foundation of Muslim Relations With Non-Muslims Who Do Not Show Aggression and Hostility
The Protection of the Blood, Wealth and Honour of Non-Muslim Citizens in the Islamic Shariah
Islam and the Muslims Are Free and Innocent of the Kharijite Extremists and the Islamic Shariah Has Come With a Command to Fight Them
Salafi Hadith Scholar Ahmad Shakir's Thunderous Lightning Bolts Upon the Kharijite Terrorists Al-Ikhwan, Al-Qaidah and ISIS
Huge Global Study in the Lancet: There Is No Safe Limit in the Consumption of Alcohol (And the Prohibition of Alcohol in the Qur'an)
Usamah Bin Ladin Did Not Venerate the Shariah and Was an Open Disputant to the Islamic Shariah: Part 1
How War Captives Are Treated in Islam by Shaykh Ali Al-Haddadi
Shaykh Salih Aal Ash-Shaikh: Shariah Calls for Protection of Life and Property

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